Body powered Myoelectric

Below the knee (BK) Above the knee (AK) / Knee Disarticulation Symes/Partial Foot

Post-Op Spinal Body Jacket (plastic) Custom molded L.S.O. and T.S.L.O. Also used for spinal fractures. OTS Semi Rigid L.S.O. and T.S.L.O.: Several different types stocked. Cash & Jewett Spinal Extension Brace Lumbosacral Corsets Rib Belts

These devices are custom fabricated to a patient mold taken by one of our certified practitioners. We offer a 2 year warranty included with each pair of foot orthotics. Custom Foot Orthotics Break In Schedule In most cases foot problems do not occur overnight. It took a long period of time to reach the level discomfort that caused you…